Monday, September 13, 2010

Threats from affiliated AIESEC Chandigarh Members...


I loved India, I loved the people, I loved the culture, I loved my experience BUT I was unhappy with my internship through AIESEC Chandigarh. I think that most of the interns who contributed to this blog would also agree with this point. I have nothing bad to say about India as a country so I hope the message is NEVER misconstrued! I thoroughly enjoyed my experience there and everyone who knows me, knows it was one of the best times of my life!

If you ACTUALLY read through the blog properly you will see that we are all extremely open minded people who were just trying to improve the conditions for future interns. Therefore now that I have left India it is VERY disappointing to know that we all fought REALLY hard to make a positive difference, and now I hear that conditions have not improved at all. Due to the fact I am still receiving emails from interns, I feel that it is my duty to share their stories on this blog. I have also started receiving emails from other interns from different LC's around India, hence why I have changed the blogs name to the 'AIESEC India Experience!'

I must remind everyone that I met some AMAZING people whilst in India, who I truely believe will be lifelong friends :) Unfortunately I have met a minority of people who are not so kind. It's very devastating, but I have been receiving threats from some affiliated AIESEC Chandigarh members due to this blog. I believe in freedom of speech and therefore will not delete this blog in the hope that it continues to help other interns. Although I am quite alarmed by these threats!

Although many things have been said to me that have not been possible to record, below I have posted a message that was recently sent to me. I have published it in the hope that the threats will stop when the person realizes that everyone in the world can read what they have said.

Thanks for your support.

Yours truly,

Unhappy AIESEC Chandigarh Intern

"take it easy girl come on you had one of ur best times in india and you say shit about it!"

"dont contact me or come to india you moreon you are a selfish bitch who does not know what right and wrong some place gives you the best time of ur life and then you say shit about that place to the whole world what r u ask urself and dont worry about me ill be more creepy to you if u show me ur dirty face again"

"now u gono get a messege everyday from me to remind you how much bitch you"

"u think you too coool now see that"

"fuck those interns in ur ass"

"sayyyyyyyyyyyyy somethinggggggggggg now u bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"hh"


  1. Hello

    I would appreciate if you can send me details of instances and people involved with your so called 'threats' and i will look into this. If you are open minded (like you mentioned), its important to focus on the solution not just talk about the problem. Awaiting your reply. Please send me an email on

  2. Its way Interesting how people react to things when its seen from an EPs point of view!

    I know its not the best experience, in India; they say the Indian Experience makes you a survivor!

    There are other stories too :)

    There is an Add that Reminds me from Telebrands "Choose wisely and Live Well"

    Always try the Different path! Choose a Local Committee that is Starting up, you will have the Best Experience, (Personally try not to select an AIESEC run Project) !

    If you fine a Project with 2 EP or less requirement, I am pretty sure, your stay will hold a best Experience
