Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dear blog,

It's been already two weeks that we're writing here. We published stories of unhappy trainees, housing issues, legal problems, overpaying etc. But there are still stories to come, people are writing down their experience in this amazing country but yet challenging LC AIESEC CHANDIGARH.
It's not that we're not enjoying the city, which is most probably one of the best cities in India, if not the best. Or as if we're not enjoying India. But...there are those stories, that you already read about, and there are new stories every day.
Take this as an example, one of the trainee houses is having no gas for almost a week now. AIESEC Chandigarh people are too busy to deliver it. Yeah, it's an organization with many members...but yet those members care about something else, becoming number one LC in the world again, bringing 600 new interns to town, increasing, growing... in numbers, not in quality. Is this what AIESEC is about?
Anyway, their answer about the gas is "tomorrow", so let's see if tomorrow comes.
Usually "tomorrow" comes when THEY need you. They need you to participate in some event, to do stuff for AIESEC Chandigarh, to represent AIESEC Chandigarh. But if you need something, they barely answer calls. So, let's see if tomorrow comes with or without gas.
Anyway, there is a good side of this issue, that the trainees live without hot food for a week inspired us to start new column of this blog, which you always will find under the "dear blog" tag. Just daily (un)happenings in life of AIESEC Chandigarh trainees.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

AIESEC Chandigarh. Most disappointing experience!

AIESEC has been the most disappointing experience of my entire life. I was so eager to be part of it when i first heard about it but the disappointment level has reached its maximum and I am not at all interested nor will ever suggest anybody to be part of it.
I have been trying to get into it since more than a year now but their response has been absolutely disgusting. I went on to International site and contacted them about the info. , an automatic response comes which wants you to contact your local office but the officers of my state (CHANDIGARH,India) are the dumbest and stupidest I have ever seen. They don't reply to emails, phones or messages or any sort of communication link developed by human race. Its absolutely sick when persons email is given on site and he does not even revert or i should say check that account.

I think AIESEC more than anything should start sending them abroad to learn how to email back . They don't even answer their cell phones , will anybody tell them Incoming calls are free and you don't have to pay a buck to listen. And when they do, they ask you to wait for couple of days for their call when they can fix a meeting but that never happens and when you call again they again don't answer.

I work as Free Lance with Sports Managements handling Media relation sand work with best of Sport persons , journalists and people but I have never been treated like this. This has been absolute harassment, Now in My Final year of Mass Comm. I will certainly make sure I write a big article on this and publish in the Top Newspapers and magazine sof my nation as of how you guys treat somebody .

All the members only make sure that their friends and relatives become part of the organisation when recruitment starts , and they don't even inform or can simply tell the date to somebody like me who has no cousins or friends in the organisation.

The experience of trying into get this organisation has really made me learn a lot, once again from core of my heart I would like Thank you all for your great negligence and ignorance...I will certainly remember it in the days and years to come.

Thank you.

Regards, Ujjwal Bhalla

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

AIESEC CHANDIGARH- Lied about my registration

Registration is supposed to be done within 14 days of arrival in India. During my second week here I started getting worried and called the person who was responsible for me saying he had to take me there to get registered. He told me not to worry, that we had plenty of time.
Of course, time flies by and when I was already a couple of days late he came with some paper for me to fill and he said. Just lie about your arriving date, it will be ok. 100% ethics, no? Anyway, he took my papers and kept with him. And then he was always busy, busy, busy. Then eventually he said. “You see, since you’re late you have to pay a fee to the registration office” I am late? They are late come on!!! I said I wouldn’t pay because it wasn’t my fault. The discussion reaches the executive board of AIESEC and they say that they wouldn’t pay it either, that it was one member’s fault and he would have to pay it himself. The guy came to me and said he would take some time to get the money. Months passed and eventually I was freaking out, because I was illegal in the country. I decided it would be better if I gave the money myself. I gave him the money and waited.

One day I woke up and realized I was already 7 months illegal in this country and call that person. I asked if he had done it and he promised to do it the same week. Next week he said he had been busy… I was so angry by then that I asked my papers there, and decided to go on my own.

Arriving at the office, of course there was a problem. To make this story short: for being this late, I almost got deported. After a lot of talk, a lot of apologizes and asking if there could be any other way out of it, they let me stay and registered me… But not thanks to AIESEC

From Unhappy AIESEC Intern # 6

People on Facebook who are unhappy with AIESEC Chandigarh

PLEASE FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW and read the discussions-