Registration is supposed to be done within 14 days of arrival in India. During my second week here I started getting worried and called the person who was responsible for me saying he had to take me there to get registered. He told me not to worry, that we had plenty of time.
Of course, time flies by and when I was already a couple of days late he came with some paper for me to fill and he said. Just lie about your arriving date, it will be ok. 100% ethics, no? Anyway, he took my papers and kept with him. And then he was always busy, busy, busy. Then eventually he said. “You see, since you’re late you have to pay a fee to the registration office” I am late? They are late come on!!! I said I wouldn’t pay because it wasn’t my fault. The discussion reaches the executive board of AIESEC and they say that they wouldn’t pay it either, that it was one member’s fault and he would have to pay it himself. The guy came to me and said he would take some time to get the money. Months passed and eventually I was freaking out, because I was illegal in the country. I decided it would be better if I gave the money myself. I gave him the money and waited.
One day I woke up and realized I was already 7 months illegal in this country and call that person. I asked if he had done it and he promised to do it the same week. Next week he said he had been busy… I was so angry by then that I asked my papers there, and decided to go on my own.
Arriving at the office, of course there was a problem. To make this story short: for being this late, I almost got deported. After a lot of talk, a lot of apologizes and asking if there could be any other way out of it, they let me stay and registered me… But not thanks to AIESEC
From Unhappy AIESEC Intern # 6
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