Friday, February 26, 2010

The difference of Philosophy

I believe in AIESEC like a great organization that is a plataform for develop your potential.

I believe in my Local Comittee like a part of an Organization that helps you to be better and try to make this world better.

I believe in their Philosophy as well... But what I can't believe is that AIESEC Chandigarh is part of this organization and is making people so dissapointed about it.

When you are part of are the mirror of that.

Anything you do, will be like if all the people of that thing, is doing it. When somebody becomes AIESEC'er, is because you have the skills to be an AIESEC'er.

You can't just came in, go to some meetings, maybe travel to some congress and then don't do anything for the organization or the external members and keep saying that you are an AIESEC'er. In my personal point of view I'm learning from all the shit that this people is making to the interns.

Just let's put the Situation>>

I Came from a country where is not easy to leave your job, leave your house, and pay more than 3 thousand dollars in tramits, visa, airplane, medical insurance, and more stuffs. You came to Chandigarh India, thinking that you will find people with your same values. People like you.

People that join to AIESEC because they have the same profile like you. But then you realize that nobody cares that you came.

They use u like a toy or like a puppet, that they can show to their friends like a price for been a good boy, and had good records.

You are treated like a zoo monkey, showing to the people like something extraordinary, living in a small cage, with the most minimal needs and sometimes in a cold place near of the snakes, rats and other dangerous things.

You are just another number. They don't care about you.

They are just care about the results in their records for been called the "#1 Local Committee of 2009 in the AIESEC Network of 1100 LCs from over 107 countries."

According with what they post in their website>>
Integration – AIESEC members in your host chapter provide support and assistance in getting setup while providing opportunities for cultural and social activities.
We don't feel Integrated and we don't feel that this LC gave us support in almost anything, except 2 or 3 people that are the only ones that cares EP's...when there are 27 members in the EB.

Lies, lies, lies....That is all what we have seen from them.

I also Have a blog. I'm also writting about my intership...

But why I don't invite people to Chandigarh and I ignore all their request to bring more people?...because I don't want they pass for all of this.

I Preffer to be loyal to My LC, but only to them, and try to avoid this issues in my LC.

why I don't write about AIESEC Chandigarh?...because I don't want to remember them.

So why we are doing this? Because we try many times to talk with them, explain the situation, asking for help, or at least a little bit of support. And they just ignore you.

We are doing this looking for a way of fix this situation, we try to do it in a good way, in a Friendly way, but they don't care about it, maybe in this way they will listen to us and do something, and if is possible, change the way that this LC treats their interns, because many people will return to their countries dissapointed of what should be their life's experience.

From Unhappy AIESEC Chandigarh Intern # 5

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