I just wanted to clarify something: someone listening to us complain about our disgraceful accommodation mentioned "What did you expect? India is a 3rd world country?" On the contrary, these are just a couple of photos of the houses around our neighbourhood. Just to prove a point I uploaded these to show that India is not all rubble and with the amount of money we are paying (which I have been told is a lot) there is no reason for us to be living in slum like conditions.
Friday, February 26, 2010
The difference of Philosophy
I believe in AIESEC like a great organization that is a plataform for develop your potential.
I believe in my Local Comittee like a part of an Organization that helps you to be better and try to make this world better.
I believe in their Philosophy as well... But what I can't believe is that AIESEC Chandigarh is part of this organization and is making people so dissapointed about it.
When you are part of something...you are the mirror of that.
Anything you do, will be like if all the people of that thing, is doing it. When somebody becomes AIESEC'er, is because you have the skills to be an AIESEC'er.
You can't just came in, go to some meetings, maybe travel to some congress and then don't do anything for the organization or the external members and keep saying that you are an AIESEC'er. In my personal point of view I'm learning from all the shit that this people is making to the interns.
Just let's put the Situation>>
I Came from a country where is not easy to leave your job, leave your house, and pay more than 3 thousand dollars in tramits, visa, airplane, medical insurance, and more stuffs. You came to Chandigarh India, thinking that you will find people with your same values. People like you.
People that join to AIESEC because they have the same profile like you. But then you realize that nobody cares that you came.
They use u like a toy or like a puppet, that they can show to their friends like a price for been a good boy, and had good records.
You are treated like a zoo monkey, showing to the people like something extraordinary, living in a small cage, with the most minimal needs and sometimes in a cold place near of the snakes, rats and other dangerous things.
You are just another number. They don't care about you.
They are just care about the results in their records for been called the "#1 Local Committee of 2009 in the AIESEC Network of 1100 LCs from over 107 countries."
According with what they post in their website>> http://www.aiesecchandigarh.org/work-aboard-program/
Integration – AIESEC members in your host chapter provide support and assistance in getting setup while providing opportunities for cultural and social activities.We don't feel Integrated and we don't feel that this LC gave us support in almost anything, except 2 or 3 people that are the only ones that cares EP's...when there are 27 members in the EB.
Lies, lies, lies....That is all what we have seen from them.
I also Have a blog. I'm also writting about my intership...
But why I don't invite people to Chandigarh and I ignore all their request to bring more people?...because I don't want they pass for all of this.
I Preffer to be loyal to My LC, but only to them, and try to avoid this issues in my LC.
why I don't write about AIESEC Chandigarh?...because I don't want to remember them.
So why we are doing this? Because we try many times to talk with them, explain the situation, asking for help, or at least a little bit of support. And they just ignore you.
We are doing this looking for a way of fix this situation, we try to do it in a good way, in a Friendly way, but they don't care about it, maybe in this way they will listen to us and do something, and if is possible, change the way that this LC treats their interns, because many people will return to their countries dissapointed of what should be their life's experience.
From Unhappy AIESEC Chandigarh Intern # 5
From Unhappy AIESEC Chandigarh Intern # 5
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Yesterday I found out that AIESEC Chandigarh is aiming to bring 600 interns to India for the year 2010. I also found out that they have committees for every single aspect of AIESEC such as Finance, External Relations, Incoming Exchange, Outgoing Exchange, etc BUT (and its a very big BUT) they have not 1 single person that deals with any of the interns once they arrive here. Clearly because they do not care!!!
This supports my introduction. They only care about the quantity of interns that they bring here and not the quality of the interns stay!!!
If you are reading this blog inform anyone who is thinking about coming to India through AIESEC Chandigarh to have a serious think about if they want to be a statistic?
From Unhappy AIESEC Chandigarh Intern # 1
This supports my introduction. They only care about the quantity of interns that they bring here and not the quality of the interns stay!!!
If you are reading this blog inform anyone who is thinking about coming to India through AIESEC Chandigarh to have a serious think about if they want to be a statistic?
From Unhappy AIESEC Chandigarh Intern # 1
Monday, February 22, 2010
Five houses
The first bad thing that I saw didn’t happen to me, it happened to some other trainees. They were closing one flat they had to give back to the landlord and the interns would be shifted to a new place. They were told it would happen in the next 2 weeks, but no precise date. One day they come home and find an empty house. AIESECers let themselves in, pack everyone’s stuff and take to the new place. I was told later there were a lot of things missing, and they didn’t know if it was lost or stolen…
In the beginning I was staying in my company’s guest house. After a while I started having some trouble with neighbors, that couldn’t understand why a girl was arriving home after 8pm… The company suggested that I moved to another place to avoid any confrontation with them. I said it was fine and that I was going to start looking for a place. My company calls AIESEC and tells them they have to help me do it. They of course say yes. The place they had planned for me was of course horrible, and I never wanted to move to that place. AIESEC insist that I have to move in the same day. I call company and they say I only have to move if I feel comfortable. Next day I get the same call, saying that I had to move the same day. What he hell is this? It’s of course AIESEC’s behavior of saying yes to all the companies and not considering their interns at all… Eventually I was more stressed with AIESEC’s threatening and I did move out to the bad place. AIESEC promised me it would be only for a week, that they would help me find a new place. That of course never happened and I lived in 37 until it was closed down, another 4 months
37 had some main issues… we had mold on the walls, broken toilet, no water in the kitchen, gas leaking, a balcony that was falling apart and dropping rocks in our heads… Just to start it with. AIESECers have been informed of this of course, in many occasions, by different forms. Most of the time they would say “no problem, we’ll fix it all by next week”. Of course it didn’t happen. Eventually, after many confrontations, The LCP, Vikram Jain, said it would be easier to find us a new house than to fix that one. That was supposed to happen within a month, but it took them 3 months to find a new place.

Toilet, Balcony falling apart and kitchen tap that never worked (so we would keep bottles with water next to it)
Meanwhile, the trainee house in Panchkula had some different issues. Since it was summer time, there was a high number of trainees in town, and they simply kept dropping people there, even with the complains that the place was over crowded. They answer was it’s only for 6 weeks!”. That house, which could take comfortably 6 to 8 people, had somehow to be home for 14.
Coming back to Chandigarh: we started hearing rumors that there was a new place, but even though we asked to check the apartment before they take it, the best they said they could do was to show a house in the same building, because an AIESECer happened to have a flat there. They would keep saying: you have to give us money, then we’ll have the keys of the new place and you can move in the next day, Of course it wasn’t as they said it would be right? One day I get a call: Ok, I’ll send someone to pick you up in 2 hours, to move to the new place, pack your things. Certainly it was short notice, but I didn’t complain because I was dying to see get out of the bad house. I somehow manage to put all my things together, and wait. I waited for hours, kept calling and eventually they stopped picking up. I send a text message: “Do you think I’m a clown for you to make such jokes with me?”. Then I get the phone call “who do you think you are to talk to me like this. I’m managing the things to move you out and I won’t tolerate such behavior” and hang up. Why do I have to tolerate all this then?
It was two weeks later that we actually move out of 37. We were called, at 9pm to be informed that we would have to move out the next day at 8 am. Without many options, we pack our bags and wake up early, just to wait the AIESECers for 2 hours. When they arrived, they didn’t know what to do with us. They had to submit the keys of our place to the landlord, but they didn’t have the keys to the new place yet. Of course there was a fight right then and there, and we had to hear opposite statements such as “trust us, everything is going to be ok!”, “thank you for handling the situation so well for so long, we know it wasn’t easy” and my favorite “You know, I hope that when I have my internship I’ll go through a situation as bad as yours, because this is the kind of things that makes us stronger”. After another hour discussing, they picked us up and took us to different home stays for 3 days, till they had the new apartment’s keys.
They took us to the new place at 7pm, and we came to know that the place didn’t even have the light bulbs yet. After 1 hour an electrician came and installed these things, along with these guys, AIESECers left and said that everything (beds, chairs, table, stove…) would be delivered in the upcoming hour. We waited for long and by midnight we called pissed off because we didn’t even have beds… then they were delivered at 2 am… well, this house was way better than the previous one, but we still had problems… broken tap in the kitchen, broken flush in the toilet, a whole In one of the rooms that was meant for an AC, but since we didn’t have it was just exposing us to the street. And I can’t forget to say that we didn’t have gas for 3 weeks and that kitchen stuff like plates, mugs, forks and knives ended up being provided by my company, because they felt sorry that we didn’t have it there.
We stayed in this place for 3 months, until we were informed that we would have to move out to a new place in two days, this date happened to be New Year’s Eve. It had to be then because they told the landlord they would give the key back in December, and the people leaving in our new place would move out only on the 30th. AIESECers came here by 6pm to take our things and…. Surprise, surprise! The new place still had the previous people in, apparently they didn’t have a place to go, so they decided to stay there a couple more days. The next day we move in to find a filthy house, that had even rotten food inside the fridge and the old clothes people had left behind inside the wardrobes. After cleaning, the place is finally nice. Of course, that the no gas situation was there for 20 days, and no internet for a whole month… But now the house at least is not an issue for me, Well, I’m living in my 5th house in 10 months now.
From Unhappy AIESEC Chandigarh Intern # 4
In the beginning I was staying in my company’s guest house. After a while I started having some trouble with neighbors, that couldn’t understand why a girl was arriving home after 8pm… The company suggested that I moved to another place to avoid any confrontation with them. I said it was fine and that I was going to start looking for a place. My company calls AIESEC and tells them they have to help me do it. They of course say yes. The place they had planned for me was of course horrible, and I never wanted to move to that place. AIESEC insist that I have to move in the same day. I call company and they say I only have to move if I feel comfortable. Next day I get the same call, saying that I had to move the same day. What he hell is this? It’s of course AIESEC’s behavior of saying yes to all the companies and not considering their interns at all… Eventually I was more stressed with AIESEC’s threatening and I did move out to the bad place. AIESEC promised me it would be only for a week, that they would help me find a new place. That of course never happened and I lived in 37 until it was closed down, another 4 months
37 had some main issues… we had mold on the walls, broken toilet, no water in the kitchen, gas leaking, a balcony that was falling apart and dropping rocks in our heads… Just to start it with. AIESECers have been informed of this of course, in many occasions, by different forms. Most of the time they would say “no problem, we’ll fix it all by next week”. Of course it didn’t happen. Eventually, after many confrontations, The LCP, Vikram Jain, said it would be easier to find us a new house than to fix that one. That was supposed to happen within a month, but it took them 3 months to find a new place.
Toilet, Balcony falling apart and kitchen tap that never worked (so we would keep bottles with water next to it)
Meanwhile, the trainee house in Panchkula had some different issues. Since it was summer time, there was a high number of trainees in town, and they simply kept dropping people there, even with the complains that the place was over crowded. They answer was it’s only for 6 weeks!”. That house, which could take comfortably 6 to 8 people, had somehow to be home for 14.
Coming back to Chandigarh: we started hearing rumors that there was a new place, but even though we asked to check the apartment before they take it, the best they said they could do was to show a house in the same building, because an AIESECer happened to have a flat there. They would keep saying: you have to give us money, then we’ll have the keys of the new place and you can move in the next day, Of course it wasn’t as they said it would be right? One day I get a call: Ok, I’ll send someone to pick you up in 2 hours, to move to the new place, pack your things. Certainly it was short notice, but I didn’t complain because I was dying to see get out of the bad house. I somehow manage to put all my things together, and wait. I waited for hours, kept calling and eventually they stopped picking up. I send a text message: “Do you think I’m a clown for you to make such jokes with me?”. Then I get the phone call “who do you think you are to talk to me like this. I’m managing the things to move you out and I won’t tolerate such behavior” and hang up. Why do I have to tolerate all this then?
It was two weeks later that we actually move out of 37. We were called, at 9pm to be informed that we would have to move out the next day at 8 am. Without many options, we pack our bags and wake up early, just to wait the AIESECers for 2 hours. When they arrived, they didn’t know what to do with us. They had to submit the keys of our place to the landlord, but they didn’t have the keys to the new place yet. Of course there was a fight right then and there, and we had to hear opposite statements such as “trust us, everything is going to be ok!”, “thank you for handling the situation so well for so long, we know it wasn’t easy” and my favorite “You know, I hope that when I have my internship I’ll go through a situation as bad as yours, because this is the kind of things that makes us stronger”. After another hour discussing, they picked us up and took us to different home stays for 3 days, till they had the new apartment’s keys.
They took us to the new place at 7pm, and we came to know that the place didn’t even have the light bulbs yet. After 1 hour an electrician came and installed these things, along with these guys, AIESECers left and said that everything (beds, chairs, table, stove…) would be delivered in the upcoming hour. We waited for long and by midnight we called pissed off because we didn’t even have beds… then they were delivered at 2 am… well, this house was way better than the previous one, but we still had problems… broken tap in the kitchen, broken flush in the toilet, a whole In one of the rooms that was meant for an AC, but since we didn’t have it was just exposing us to the street. And I can’t forget to say that we didn’t have gas for 3 weeks and that kitchen stuff like plates, mugs, forks and knives ended up being provided by my company, because they felt sorry that we didn’t have it there.
We stayed in this place for 3 months, until we were informed that we would have to move out to a new place in two days, this date happened to be New Year’s Eve. It had to be then because they told the landlord they would give the key back in December, and the people leaving in our new place would move out only on the 30th. AIESECers came here by 6pm to take our things and…. Surprise, surprise! The new place still had the previous people in, apparently they didn’t have a place to go, so they decided to stay there a couple more days. The next day we move in to find a filthy house, that had even rotten food inside the fridge and the old clothes people had left behind inside the wardrobes. After cleaning, the place is finally nice. Of course, that the no gas situation was there for 20 days, and no internet for a whole month… But now the house at least is not an issue for me, Well, I’m living in my 5th house in 10 months now.
From Unhappy AIESEC Chandigarh Intern # 4
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